Devosi Marial Legio Maria dan Pembaktian Diri Menurut Montfort


  • Gregorius Pasi Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana Malang
  • Marselina Murni Universitas Negri Malang
  • Angelina Ina Bora Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi



consecrations, holines, legion of mary, marian devotion, mary's maternal role


This study is intended to answer the following status quaestionis: Why did Frank Duff (the founder of the Legion of Mary) reques legionaries to practice marian devotion taught by Montfort, namely consecration to Jesus through Mary? The answer is supposed to motivate the legionaries to live the Montfort consecration. In order to answer the question, we use the  critical analysis method and critical dialectic method on the related data. We find that the aim of the Legion of Mary and the Montfort consecration is the same. Hence, Montfort consecration is a type of marian devotion that can perfectly bering legionaries to the goal of the Legion of Mary, namely the glory of God through the holiness of its members.

Keywords: consecration, holines, Legion of Mary, marian devotion, Mary’s maternal role



How to Cite

Pasi, G., Marselina Murni, & Angelina Ina Bora. (2024). Devosi Marial Legio Maria dan Pembaktian Diri Menurut Montfort. Jurnal Pelayanan Pastoral, 5(1), 46–55.